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Entries from March 1, 2014 - March 31, 2014


TWiRT 206 - Sixteen Streams and What do You Get?

Doug Rowe is an engineer at Minnesota Public Radio.  His title is one that we’ll see more often: Media Production Systems Manager. As radio stations, groups, and networks depend on digital media distribution, more engineers like Doug are needed; not only to keep everything working, but to develop the infrastructure for the workflows needed by talent and content creators.  Doug talks with Chris Tarr and me, helping us understand the new responsibilities involved at a highly-connected, digitally-delivered network operation.

Doug Rowe, Media Production Systems Manager, Minnesota Public Radio

Chris Tarr, Director of Engineering, 88Nine RadioMilwaukee
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
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TWiRT is brought to you by Direct Current, the tech newsletter from the engineers at Telos Alliance. Direct Current brings you technical articles, tips, and information you can use today.  Direct Current is free, useful, and engineer-approved!

TWiRT 206 - Sixteen Stream and What do You Get?


TWiRT 205 - NPR Labs' Rich Rarey

Rich Rarey’s name is synonymous with audio engineering at NPR, and has been for over 30 years.  Now, Rich is the Director of NPR Labs, the USA’s only not-for-profit broadcast technology research and development center.  Rich joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack with broadcast engineering tales from the past, and fascinating looks at an award-winning NPR Labs project in progress now.


Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT is brought to you by the Axia Radius IP-Audio console. Incredibly easy to use and wicked powerful under the hood.  Four mixing busses, a built-in Ethernet switch, plus automatic mix-minus, and instant Livewire connectivity.  See the Radius console at

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TWiRT 205 - NPR Labs' Rich Rarey


TWiRT 204 - Mute it, Kirk!

Kirk has a transmitter problem related to operation during antenna icing conditions.  Between Chris Tobin’s help and ideas from the TWiRT chat room, I think we’ve got a solution!  Plus, Chris Tobin explains how transmitter muting and safety lockouts are USED in multi-transmitter master antenna sites.


Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT is brought to you by the Omnia A/XE and Omnia F/XE software audio processors and encoders.  Omnia A/XE for stream processing and Omnia F/XE for file processing.  Both feature precise audio processing by Omnia and real Fraunhofer encoding. On the web at

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TWiRT 204 - Mute it, Kirk!


TWiRT 203 - Dave Supplee on Studio Wisdom

Dave Supplee is the market engineer for the Cumulus radio stations in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  He’s also a key go-to guy when new studios need to be built or refurbished.  From studio design to wiring techniques, Dave shares his years of studio-building wisdom, plus transmitter site advice on this episode.

Dave Supplee, Cumulus Market Director of Engineering, Harrisburg, PA

Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
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TWiRT is brought to you by the Axia Element IP-audio console - the top-of-the-line and the perfect workhorse audio console for almost everyone.  From 2 faders to 40 and all-you-can-play audio I/O, over 4,000 Element consoles are playing radio right now.  On the web at

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TWiRT 203 - Dave Supplee on Studio Wisdom


TWiRT 202 - Engineering Hacks

hack n. an inelegant but effective solution to a problem

Often there’s more than one way to solve an engineering problem. There is usually the normal approach, and then there are one or more “hacks”. Some hacks are elegant and others – not so much. In this episode, Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack discuss radio engineering hacks – unusual yet effective ways to fix and use broadcast equipment.


Kirk Harnack, VP – Telos Systems –
Chris Tobin, IP Solutionist

Follow Kirk on Twitter – @kharnack

Follow TWiRT on Twitter – @TWiRTshow


Axia Audio and Telos Systems – bringing IP-audio studios and connections within your reach for superb audio and easy configuration.

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TWiRT 202 - Engineering Hacks