TWiRT 27 - FSK and Loose Ends

What are FSK, BPSK, and QPSK? Plus mic processing and an AES white paper.
Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Int'l Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting, WOR, New York, W2TRR
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Some web sites mentioned in this episode:
Phase Shift Keying, including BPSK and QPSK
EBU Evaluations of Multi-Channel Audio Codecs (pdf)
Audio Noise Reduction Techniques - Meenakshi Singhvi (pp 42-46)
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Is the RSS feed broken?
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Hi Guys,
I've just downloaded and read the EBU paper. This one refers to surround (not stereo) which is why the bitrates are higher than I'd have expected (200-312kbps for emission).
It's important to differentiate between production, distribution, and emission applications when establishing bitrates. (BTW the report on Phase 3 of these tests has just been released -
The most recent EBU tech report I've seen on stereo bitrates is from 2003 - before AAC so it is out of date.
I recall that there is info out there that suggests a sweet spot for AACplus of 48 to 96kbps for emission, but I can't find it right now.
Also am I to infer from this that there are no objective tests to quantify codec performance? If not is any work being done on this?
These Mushra tests are very complex and expensive, so there's probably few organizations able to do this stuff.
Peter S.