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Entries from March 1, 2012 - March 31, 2012


TWiRT 121 - Big Bottoms and Aural Excitement

Explore the tech of the APHEX Aural Exciter, and big bottom a staples of audio production.

Hosts: Kirk HarnackChris Tarr, and Tom Ray.

Guests: Marvin Caesar, and Rob Arbittier

Download or subscribe to this show at

This episode is sponsored by Axia Audio.

TWiRT 121 - Big Bottoms and Aural Excitement


TWiRT 120 - Can You Repair These Tubes?

War stories of radio engineering from the trenches with our guest Dana Puopolo Chief Engineer WURD Radio.

Hosts: Kirk Harnack and Chris Tarr.

Guests: Dana Puopolo

Download or subscribe to this show at

Sponsored by Omnia Audio and the Omnia ONE audio processor - now over 7,000 of them online!


TWiRT 120 - Can You Repair These Tubes?


TWiRT 119 - Paul Shulins

HD Radios, personal people meters, complacency in the engineering office, and more.

Hosts: Kirk HarnackChris Tobin and Tom Ray.

Guest: Paul Shulins

Download or subscribe to this show at

This episode is sponsored by the iQ IP-Audio console from Axia.


TWiRT 119 - Paul Shulins


TWiRT 118 - Distorted Monkeys

We talk about the social network just for broadcasters, Commotion, and more.

Hosts: Kirk Harnack and Tom Ray.

Guests: Ryan Burgoyne

Download or subscribe to this show at

TWiRT 118 - Distorted Monkeys


TWiRT 117 - 4 Kilovolts And Counting

Kirk is broadcasting from Riga Latvia, EM testing, a tour of a radio station and more.

Hosts: Kirk HarnackChris TobinChris Tarr, and Tom Ray.

Download or subscribe to this show at

TWiRT 117 - 4 Kilovolts and Counting