TWiRT 225 - Every Broadcast is a Remote - with Bob Page

Meet Bob Page, the studio manager with two studios and no transmitter. With a revolving door for the on-air talent. And for whom every single broadcast shift is a “remote.” Bob manages the Radio Broadcast Center at Universal Studios, Florida. He and Jason Mercurio manage, train, facilitate, troubleshoot, connect, and do whatever else is needed to get from 2 to 5 broadcasts on the air each day from these spectacular studios.
We experienced some tech difficulties during the broadcast. Naturally, the high-speed Internet link checked out perfectly before the broadcast. But, it went dead and we had to use a backup Internet connection. Quality wasn’t so good, but Bob Page’s interview, along with Chris Tobin’s comments, are worth watching or listening to.
Link from the show:
Quick tour of the studios by Kory from KVIL
Bob Page, Radio Broadcast Center Manager, Universal Studios, Florida
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
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