TWiRT 384 - Radio Trends with Doug Irwin

Between accommodating the Television Repack and Norway’s Public analog FM stations going dark, what’s a poor FM transmitter to do? Radio Magazine’s Editor, Doug Irwin, talks about these topics along with changing workflows with on-demand radio programming and streaming media.
Doug Irwin CPBE, DRB, AMD - Vice President of Engineering, iHM/ Los Angeles Region
Show Links:
NAB Report: FM Stations Affected by the 2017 TV Band Repacking Plan
TV Repack—And Its FM Impact—Will Hit First In Puerto Rico
Note To FM’s Affected By Repack: Get An Aux Tower Site
2 Megawatts on 540 kHz - Maybe AM Radio is Alive and Well?
Producing On-Demand Radio Content (Futuri)
Workflow Tools for Turning Streaming into On-Demand Contend (StreamGuys)
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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