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Entries from April 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015


TWiRT 255 - Oyster Radio with Bill Eaton

Imagine you’re the engineer for a radio station that you really enjoy listen to.  Imagine that station has a terrific reputation, with the respect of listeners, businesses, and local officials.. Now add a million listeners worldwide on the Internet.  Finally, realize that this radio station is in an idyllic vacation paradise with tropical beaches and a low-key lifestyle.  We’re talking about Oyster Radio and Chief Engineer Bill Eaton - in Apalachicola, Florida.

Bill Eaton - Engineer, Oyster Radio

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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TWiRT is brought to you by Lawo and the crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a multi-touch touchscreen interface.   By the Telos Z/IP ONE - the world’s most advanced IP-Audio codec. And by the full range of small Axia AoIP audio consoles, including the RAQ, DESQ, Radius, and iQ.


TWiRT 255 - Oyster Radio with Bill Eaton


TWiRT 254 - Live from NAB 2015

We’re live from Central Hall - the Broadcast Electronics booth - at NAB 2015! A Who’s Who cast of radio celebrities joins us including Scott Fybush, Joost Bloemen, Greg Shay, Frank Foti, Jim Backus, Joe Talbot, and Jim Roberts.  And don’t miss the final 8 minutes! You won’t get fooled again!

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

Follow TWiRT on Twitter and on Facebook

TWiRT is brought to you by the new Omnia.7 FM, HD, and Streaming audio processor with Undo technology. Omnia.7 is a mid-priced audio processor with the sound and features you love.  By Lawo and the crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a multi-touch touchscreen interface.   And by the Telos Alliance with Livewire Plus - Livewire Plus brings 15 years of AoIP development and practice along with AES67 compatibility.



TWiRT 254 - Live from NAB 2015


TWiRT 253 - Learning by Doing with Marc Silverman

Where will the next broadcast engineers come from?  Hofstra University in New York seems a good source.  Marc Silverman is a student and he’s the Student Director of Engineering at WRHU-FM.  Marc joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack to talk about learning about broadcast engineering by example and by doing it.

Links from the show:
WHRU-FM, Hofstra University

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

Follow TWiRT on Twitter and on Facebook

TWiRT is brought to you by the new Omnia.7 FM, HD, and Streaming audio processor with Undo technology. Omnia.7 is a mid-priced audio processor with the sound and features you love.  By Lawo and the crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a multi-touch touchscreen interface.   And by the Telos Alliance with Livewire Plus - Livewire Plus brings 15 years of AoIP development and practice along AES67 compatibility.


TWiRT 253 - Learning by Doing with Marc Silverman