TWiRT 288 - The Xcuse Box with Dick Debartolo

The Giz Wiz, Dick Debartolo, admits he’s no engineer. But he does have an eye - and ear - for fascinating devices and products. Some are useful - others, not so much. MAD magazine’s maddest writer joins Chris Tobin and me, Kirk Harnack, to ooh, ahh, and snicker at the some gizmos he found at CES.
Links to items mentioned in the show:
All thing GizWiz -
Kangaroo personal PC
Zolt laptop and multi-charger
TempTraq wireless temperature monitor patch
ThinOptics reading glasses
OREI HD-501 5x1 5-Port HDMI Powered Switcher
Chris Tobin’s tip: Orban Loudness Meter software
Dick Debartolo - The Giz Wiz and MAD magazine’s maddest writer
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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