TWiRT 313 - New Tower Light Regs with Richard Hickey

New tower lighting standards from the FAA mean FCC licensed broadcast stations need pay attention. Richard Hickey with Hilights, Inc. says that some of the rule changes could mean lower compliance costs for broadcasters - but others could cost more. Great advice on tower lighting with Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack, on This Week in Radio Tech.
Links from the show:
Hilights, Inc.
FAA website designed for lighting and marking information
FCC Form 854 for refiling structures
FAA AC 70/7460-1L (the “New Rules” for lighting and marking)
Richard Hickey, Business Development Manager at Hilights Inc
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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