TWiRT 209 - Joe Talbot - SIP Tech Update

Quadcopters? We just can’t stop talking about them! So, there’s that. And Joe Talbot joins us from the high desert in Nevada. With more and more broadcasters moving away from POTS and ISDN tech, SIP/VoIP is bringing better-sounding phone calls into hundreds of radio and TV stations. How do you get SIP into your facility? Joe Talbot explains.
Websites mentioned during the show:
Flyable airspace inforamtion for drones from Gigaom
Fluke LinkSprinter IP tester:
Vitelity (SIP provider)
Visualware - Internet connection testing for VoIP:
IP-Audio Connection Tests
Joe Talbot, Product Manager - Telos Systems
Chris Tobin, IP Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP & Exec Dir - Telos Systems
Follow Kirk on Twitter
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