TWiRT 354 - Vintage Microphones with John Holt

The first microphones were invented as far back as the 1870’s, but that’s before there were any tube amplifiers! We’ve come a long way, though most mic inventions occurred 70 to 90 years ago. John Holt is an expert on vintage microphones and gives us a fascinating look and lesson.
Show links:
Microphones part 1 - The Carbon Era
Universal Microphone Company - Double Button Microphones
Ribbon microphones
Modesto Radio Museum
Blumlein Pair mic technique - Wikipedia
Principles of the Blumlein Stereo Technique
How to Set Up Blumlein Stereo Pair Recording
Sound Recording Research at Bell Labs
Elvis and the Shure 55S
Altec 639 “Birdcage” mic
James West Forever Changed the Way We Hear the World
Coutant - Web site dedicated to Microphone History
American Radio History web site - Fantastic archive!
John Holt - Broadcast Engineer and Vintage Mic Expert
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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