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TWiRT 483 - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Visual Radio with Robbie Green

Radio has traditionally been all about the audio. Radio engineers do their best, working with the budgets and knowledge they have, to design and build studios that help create the best audio presentation. Now more radio broadcasters are putting video cameras in their studios - visual radio. Some are streaming live while others grab the best clips from their in-studio shows. Robbie Green with Entercom in Houston joins Chris Tobin to talk about equipment and techniques to produce good-looking visual radio with minimal effort.

Robbie Green - Director of Technical Operations at Entercom Communications

Show Notes:
vMix video production software
Axia Pathfinder Core PRO
Ubiquiti G3 IP cameras

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist

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TWiRT 483 - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Visual Radio with Robbie Green

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