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TWiRT 432 - PTP Clock with Greg Shay

We know that digital broadcast equipment handling real-time media needs a common time reference. PTP - Precision Time Protocol - is used in many time-sensitive industries, and it’s perfect for broadcast gear, too. Greg Shay, CTO at the Telos Alliance, joins us, along with Shaun Dolan to discuss both the science behind and the practical application of PTP Clock standards and devices.

Show links:
Precision Time Protocol at Wikipedia
Network Time Protocol at Wikipedia
MEINBERG PTP Track Hound - Free PTP analysis software
See News and Tutorials about PTP here:
Calrec - Beginners Guide to IP
Introduction to Livewire+ (includes AES67 & PTP clock info)

Greg Shay - CTO at the Telos Alliance
Shaun Dolan - Sr. Support Engineer at the Telos Alliance

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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TWiRT 432 - PTP Clock with Greg Shay

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