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TWiRT 244 - Tech Support, this is Ted

On This Week in Radio Tech, Ted Alexander joins Chris Tobin and me, Kirk Harnack. Ted got started in radio way too early - like as a baby! He’s hosted popular shows on-air, plus engineered some pretty big iron. And you may have talked with Ted when calling for Tech Support from Telos! See if Ted tells a Support story about you!

Ted Alexander, W8IXY, Support Engineer, Telos Alliance

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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TWiRT is brought to you by Axia Audio and the new Fusion AoIP Mixing Console - packed with features and capabilities refined from over a decade’s worth of IP-Audio experience.  By the Telos ProSTREAM X/2 and 9X/2, audio processing and stream encoding software with adaptive streaming technolgy.  And by Lawo - and the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.


TWiRT 244 - Tech Support, this is Ted

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