Entries by Webmaster (729)
TWIRT 33 - Just Ask Us
Oh, this was fun! The chat room provided questions and comments for this fast-moving episode of TWiRT.
Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Int'l Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Chris Tarr - Entercom, Milwaukee, GeekJedi, and Broadcast Engineering Info
with our guest, Ed Bukont - Comm-Struction and Services, LLC
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TWiRT 32 - Antennas for 30MHz and Lower
Chuck Kelly discusses antenna physics and technology with Chris, Tom, and Kirk. We focus on shortwave, medium wave, and longwave vertical radiators.
Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Int'l Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting, WOR, New York, W2TRR
Chris Tarr - Entercom, Milwaukee, GeekJedi, and Broadcast Engineering Info
Show notes:
Web pages and resources from the show...
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TWiRT 31 - Who's Your DAD?
Eugene Novacek, head of ENCO Systems, describes radio automation software and programming.
Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Int'l Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting, WOR, New York, W2TRR
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Download the show here...
TWiRT 30 - War Stories
Chris Tarr and Tom Ray discuss battles from the trenches of AM and FM transmitter engineering. Kirk Harnack hosts.
Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Int'l Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting, WOR, New York, W2TRR
Chris Tarr - Entercom, Milwaukee, GeekJedi, and Broadcast Engineering Info
Some of the Harris transmitters mentioned on the show are chronicled at www.oldradio.com.
Continental transmitters mentioned are chronicled at www.oldradio.com.
CCA transmitters mentioned are chronicled at www.oldradio.com.
Download the show here...