TWiRT 733 - Transmitting Through Snow & Ice in Florida with Charlie Wooten
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 10:09AM

Charlie Wooten is usually dealing with tornados, thunderstorms, and hurricanes. But last week brought a rare hazard to the Florida Panhandle - an ice and snow storm. With chunks of ice falling from hundreds of feet above, Charlie was keeping his stations on the air. Let’s find out what Charlie did to prepare for this snowstorm, and how his planning for other bad weather provided more assurance for continued operation for his 12 transmitters in the Florida Panhandle.

Show Notes:
The Freeze State of Flurryda: The science behind the epic snow and a magical one percent
A rare winter storm across Panhandle sets Florida snow records and knocks out power
Charlie mentioned Hugo’s Cellar, a classic steakhouse in the Four Queens Hotel, Las Vegas
Charlie travels often to Amateur Radio Station 9A1A in Croatia. Here’s info from

Charles Wooten - Regional Engineering Manager at iHearMedia

Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, South Seas Broadcasting, & Akamai Broadcasting

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