TWiRT 409 - Circle the C-Band Wagons with Mark Johnson
Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 12:16PM

Outnumbered and out-financed, broadcasters face a real threat to reliable TV & Radio satellite reception.The C-Band satellite spectrum that Radio and TV broadcasters depend on looks mighty good to some of the biggest companies in the world - mobile data carriers. Mark Johnson, Founder of LiNKUP Communications has the latest and positive steps to head this off.

Mark Johnson - President at LiNKUP Communications Corp.

Show links:
Intelsat’s Guide to Registering C-Band Receive Stations (Satellite Dishes)
SES’s Guide to Registering C-Band Antennas

List of Congressional Member of the Energy & Commerce Committee
Google and Intelsat Spar over C-Band (wireless industry article)
FCC Votes to Open C-Band to 5G (wireless industry article)
NAB Statement on FCC’s C-Band Action
FCC’s C-Band Plan Worries Broadcasters (RadioWorld)
LiNKUP Communications

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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