TWiRT 340 - War Stories with Robbie Green
Friday, March 10, 2017 at 11:59AM

Move 4 radio studios across town.  You’ve got two weeks.  Go!  Oh, and scrounge some equipment to make the STL systems work with an old T-1 circuit.  And, find some time to replace seven FM transmitters with new, solid-state units and full HD Radio. That’s the world of engineer, Robbie Green. Robbie joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack on This Week in Radio Tech.

Robbie Green - Market Chief Engineer, CBS Radio, Houston

Show Links:
Studio Technologies Model 214 Talent Console
Soundcraft Si Expression 1 audio mixer
Ethernet Private Line (Carrier Ethernet)

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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