TWiRT 27 - FSK and Loose Ends
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 11:54PM

What are FSK, BPSK, and QPSK?  Plus mic processing and an AES white paper.

Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Int'l Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley BroadcastingWOR, New YorkW2TRR
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York

Some web sites mentioned in this episode:

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

Phase Shift Keying, including BPSK and QPSK

EBU Evaluations of Multi-Channel Audio Codecs (pdf)

Audio Noise Reduction Techniques - Meenakshi Singhvi (pp 42-46)

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